Program Ended


World Premiere

Have you always dreamed of being part of the live audience for the filming of a television show ? This is your chance !

Théâtre à Tempo’s new show will transport you to the set of a 1960s television station. You’ll be welcomed with open arms by our audience coordinator and charmed by our team of experienced and multi-talented actors. From superheroes to singers to cooking shows, all of the talent will blow you away !

While doing their best to navigate the cameras, micros, projectors and other set elements, they will be directed by our very famous (and somewhat vain) director. Our stars will also be accompanied by a team of dedicated technicians whose approach is more or less conventional and definitely acrobatic.

Show Times



  • Santiago Esviza
  • Justine Méthé-Crozat
  • François-Guillaume Leblanc
  • Justine Méthé-Crozat
  • Philippe Normand-Jenny
  • Marie-Michèle Pharand
  • Jérémy Saint-Jean
  • Augustin Thériault


  • Text and Direction Geneviève Kérouac
  • Set Design Jean-Francois Gosselin, Philibert Hébert-Filion and Huguette Lauzé
  • Costume Design and Properties Design Huguette Lauzé
  • Lighting Design Bruno Matte
  • Music Frédérick Desroches, Patrick Ouellet, Philippe Normand-Jenny
  • Sound and Technical Direction Patrick Paquet
  • Acrobatic Equipment Design Collectivlab
  • Stage Management Sonia Montminy
  • Production Direction Carole Demers
A presentation by
ÉKLOR Aliments GDG Informatique et Gestion
Media partners
WKND 91.9 FM BLVD 102.1
Show partners
En Piste, regroupement national des arts du cirque RIDEAU
Public Programming Partners
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Ville de Québec Conseil des arts du Canada Canada