
What is a classic? Why is one play still performed while another snores away under the thick blanket of Time? A joyful mix of ideas about the works we call “classics,” this show is both eloquent and irreverent (and perhaps even a little provocative). It’s about observing the immutable Time to understand the disruptive Now.

Mani Soleymanlou has set aside autofiction and identity-based issues for a bit to focus on his preferred form of expression: the theatre. He asked the formidable thinker and playwright Fanny Britt, along with a brilliant team of performers, musicians and designers, to dare to play unabashedly with the showy material we call classics. Is there a tried-and-true formula to create one? Is Tit-Coq one? And what if the Honorable Steven Guilbeault were sort of like a Canadian Hamlet?

Despite its playful appearance, the play is serious. In it, we discover an authentic desire to offer those of our era the luxury of having distance to contemplate ourselves. Onstage Phedra, Andromache and other ghosts of the theatrical past are invoked so they can come offer live commentary on the chaotic social, political, economic and artistic game that is now being played out in our collapsing world.

Show Times



  • Louise Cardinal
  • Martin Drainville
  • Kathleen Fortin
  • Julie Le Breton
  • Jean-Moïse Martin
  • Benoit McGinnis
  • Madeleine Sarr
  • Mani Soleymanlou

  • Musicians
  • Alexis Elina (piano), Mélanie Bélair (violin) and Annie Gadbois (cello)


  • Text Fanny Britt and Mani Soleymanlou
  • Direction Mani Soleymanlou
  • Assistance to the Direction Jean Gaudreau
  • Intern Assistant Director Eric Vega
  • Set Design Martin Labrecque and Mani Soleymanlou
  • Lighting Design Martin Labrecque
  • Music Composition Philippe Brault
  • Costume Design Cynthia St-Gelais
  • Costume Assistant Sarah Chabrier
  • Costume Intern Charlotte Maréchal
  • Props Marie-Jeanne Rizkallah
  • Wig Design Sarah Tremblay
  • Mask Design and Production Marie Muyard
  • Makeup Design Amélie Bruneau-Longpré
  • Technical Direction Jenny Huot
  • Production and Tour Direction Charlotte Ménard
  • Executive Production Xavier Inchauspé
  • Associate Production Vanessa Beaupré and Marie-Laurence Rock
  • Production Orange Noyée
  • Co-production Théâtre du Nouveau Monde and the NAC French Theatre in co-presentation with Le Diamant
Public Programming Partners
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Ville de Québec Conseil des arts du Canada Canada

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