Dreamland/Territoire de rêve is a kinetic installation inspired by the history of Coney Island, an American amusement park located in Brooklyn, which experienced its heyday in the early 20th century and has been in decline since. This 25-foot table resembles both a model of an island, a dilapidated amusement park, and a city project. It carries and questions the narrative of a building (and destructive) movement of the 20th century: entertainment.
Originally created as a scenographic environment for a live arts performance, the work is presented here as a standalone installation. Visitors are invited to move around, like omniscient giants around a breathtaking fantastical island with a thousand mini-mechanics, freely exploring each of these small worlds or the entire ever-changing mural. Each machine in this mechanical orchestra contributes to the soundtrack and the epic of the constantly evolving work, a robotic, wonderful, and tortured amusement park.
Vous êtes de passage au cinquième étage ? Profitez-en pour vivre un moment convivial sur le toit-terrasse ! Détails et réservation