Midway between circus and theater, this production poetically, musically, and sensorially stages the imaginary world of a woman who departed too soon. Created by Daniele Finzi Pasca, also renowned for his work with Éloize and Cirque du Soleil, this powerful spectacle is dedicated to his spouse, who passed away in May 2016. An awe-inspiring anthem to life and love, it marks the return to Québec of the creator of « Icaro », his unforgettable solo.
Director’s Note
A scene laid bare, technicians and artists moving like cats in the darkness, preparing, slowly immersing themselves in the story. And it’s the story that will gently envelop the spectator, the story of a gift-wrapped book, of a garden to be constructed, of a struggle like the one that all of us, sooner or later, will have to experience and face.
Julie believed that each of us should strive to construct an inner garden as a refuge, a place to welcome those we love, those who are lost, and those we wish to meet in a private, reserved space. Thus, we will tell this story, with a bench and a garden. Then there will be the fragility that each of us defends with armor and shields. There will be the lightness of memories of her laughter, of her booklets filled with annotations and calculations, her advice, and her dreams.
We’ve often told stories in enclosed spaces, imagined within the secret box we carry attached to our shoulders, where we create dreams and imaginary journeys. This spectacle is dedicated to those who plant seeds that will become trees, to those who design open spaces conceived for contemplation, to soothe the soul.
Daniele Finzi Pasca